We realize that all patients are unique and have different expectations. We approach Laser Vision Correction by reviewing your visual needs and expectations, and carefully applying the latest advances in laser technology. While LASIK has been proven to be extremely successful in reducing dependence on glasses and contact lenses, the final visual outcome may vary from individual to individual. The vast majority of our patients report that the procedure has had an overwhelmingly positive impact on their lives, allowing them to perform activities that they could not before due to their dependence on glasses and contact lenses. At the Caplan Eye Clinic, our highly skilled surgeons strive to meet or exceed your expectations by utilizing the most advanced instruments and the latest laser techniques.
A recent clinical study of laser patients having one or more LASIK procedures for myopia showed that over 98% of patients having mild to severe myopia saw 20/40 or better without correction after one or more LASIK procedures. In Louisiana and most other states, 20/40 vision allows a person to drive an automobile without a visual restriction on their driver's license.